Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 27

Strength & Weight Loss

Intensity: Easy or Medium

Focus: Full, Easy cardio


15 dumbbell swings

20 lateral lunge & press (alternating)

25 double crunches OR sit ups

30 second superman hold (get your arms and legs as high off the ground as you can)

REPEAT SET 5 TIMES (30-90 secs rest between sets)


1-2 mile run OR 3-6 mile bike


  1. I ran 3 miles outside this morning. I'm going to try to get the rest in today, but I didn't want to forget to post. btw-It's Wednesday today Tammy. =)

  2. Just goes to show how my week has been! I went to the doctor on Monday, had an x-ray, and still not healed! At least I get to wear the cute surgical shoe instead of the boot. However, I am really annoyed! I planned on working out anyway today, but woke up with a migraine, now I have to go to Parent/Teacher conference and the rest of the day is crazy again!

  3. I ran three miles.
    I made the commitment, I bought 2 weeks of food for the diet that Dr. West sells. You are supposed to loose 3-5 every week. We'll see. I only want to loose 15 (I mean I would cry if I lost 30) so it shouldn't take too long. Ang, they have food ideas so you don't have to buy so much of their food. I just bought enough for me and Jared to do 2 weeks so we will see how it goes.
