Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday May 24, 2011

Okay, so obviously there isn't anyone using this blog.  I am still going to post workouts, and make my own commments and now Jen and I have made a goal of  NO sugar until this Sunday.  I know, this sounds easy to a lot of you, but this is huge for us.  So we are going to use this to account each day that we 1. worked out, and 2.didn't have sugar.  ANYone else up for the challenge?  Make a comment if you are. 
Also, notice the next race coming up--->
I for one, am very nervous and better get my bum in gear, if I'm not going to die doing it. :)

Here is today's workout:

20 shoulder presses
1 minute plank
20 push-ups

5 x 200 meter sprints
**go all out on these. recover before you start the next one so you can give each one your all.

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